12432 kr incl VAT
500 SERIES TUBE MICROPHONE PREAMP • First 500 series tube preamp • Only 500 series tube preamp with TrueTube™ voltage • Cinemag and Jensen transformers • Hi-Z input on front panel • Dual gain knobs for extreme flexibility and control
The LaChapell Audio Model 583S mk2
is the latest example of LaChapell’s legendary 583 vacuum tube
preamplifier for the 500 series format. Based largely on the popular
992EG, the 583s mk2 is the perfect solution for those looking to add
that extra warmth and character to their “lunch box” in a manner that
only a properly powered 12AX7 vacuum tube can provide.
Power Supply: The 583S mk2, was built to meet API/VPR certification
requirements. Using multiple internal DC|DC converters, the 583’s vacuum
tube enjoys proper power for both plate (250 volts) and filament (12
volts). The tube of voltages are not starved in any way. And, since this
all occurs within the 583 module, there is no worry of harming your 500
series power supply.
Components: The 583s mk2 features the CineMag CMMI-10 microphone
input transformer and Jensen’s best line output transformer; the JT-11.
Typical preamplifier controls are available as well including 48v, a
20dB pad and polarity reverse. The mk2 also sports an auto-switching,
transformer-less Hi-Z input for instruments. Controls: In
operation, the user has individual control over the input and output
gain stages via 41-position potentiometers. This, like its 992 older
brother, provides total flexibility to explore the 583s’ broad sonic
pallet; enhancing its versatility for all of your recordings. The new
mk2 also includes a convenient handle for easy insertion and removal.
Weight | 3,5 kg |