• CLIO Pocket

    Software release 3.0

    CLIO Pocket Brochure 
    CLIO Pocket Depliant  flag_it_16

    CLIO Pocket Survival Guide 
    CLIO Pocket Manuale di sopravvivenza  flag_it_16

    CLIO Pocket microphone Accessories 

    Windows and OSX compatibility 

    CLIO Pocket helpful reviews

    CLIO Pocket is a powerful but lightweight portable measurement system.

    CLIO 12 vs CLIO Pocket comparison 

    The system is composed of multi-platform CLIO Pocket software, CLIO CP-01 Audio Interface hardware plus accessories.

    The CLIO CP-01 Audio Interface uses an USB 2.0 connection for maximum portability and compatibility with current and future computer hardware architectures.

    If you are using CLIO Pocket 1 or 2 and would like to udpgrade, please click here:


    24 Bit sigma-delta D/A Converter
    Frequency range: 1Hz-45kHz
    Frequency accuracy: better than 0.01%
    Frequency resolution: 0.01Hz
    Output impedance: 150 Ohm
    Max output level (Sine): 13dBu (3.46Vrms)
    Attenuation: 0.1 dB steps to full mute
    THD+Noise(Sine): 0,008%
    24 bit sigma-delta A/D Converter
    Input range: +40 ÷ -40dBV
    Max input acceptance: +40dBV (283Vpp)
    Input impedance: 64kOhm (5.6kOhm mic)
    Phantom power supply: 8.2V
    12 bit A/D Converter
    Input range: ± 6.5V
    Sampling frequencies: 96kHz and 48kHz
    Connections: analog RCA in and out
    Digital connection: USB 2.0 port
    Power supply: USB powered (480 mA)
    Dimensions (cm): 9(w)x12(d)x2.5(h)
    Weight: 0.3 kg
    TYPE Condenser Electret
    Accuracy (direct field) ±1 dB 20Hz÷10KHz, ±2 dB 10÷20KHz
    Maximum level 130 dB SPL
    Sensitivity (average) 13mV/Pa
    Dimensions 8mm diameter, 12 cm long

    The CLIO Pocket software has been designed with a multi-platform engine which allows the software to run under Windows and OSX.


    CLIO Pocket software sports a new redesigned interface with modern and easy to use feel.

    CLIO Pocket has a powerful set of features:

    • Self calibration of CLIO CP-01 hardware
    • Impulse Response analysis using LogChirp stimulus: possible application are anechoic frequency response measurement of transducers, impedance measurements, distortion measurements
    • FFT analysis with powerful trigger functions
    • RLC meter with component selection functions
    • Thiele and Small parameters calculation with Rdc reading
    • Waterfall CSD and Cycle Wavelet analysis
    CLIO Pocket 1.0 CLIO Pocket 2.2 CLIO Pocket 3.0
    macOS Catalina and upward compatibility × ×
    Log Chirp Analysis
    Amplitude, frequency and time calibrated IR × × ×
    2nd, 3rd and THD harmonic response × ×
    Phase and group delay response × × ×
    Time Impulse, step, Schroeder decay, ETC response × × ×
    Math processing: Merge, dB Shift, MIB × × ×
    Math processing: Add, Subtract, Divide by file × × ×
    Math processing: Add, Multiply by value × ×
    Math processing: LP, HP, BP filters × ×
    Math processing: Divide by file for impedance ×
    Save Impulse time data to .wav file × ×
    AutoStore to Overlay function (10 curves on screen) × × ×
    OVERLOAD and LEVEL LOW automatic detection ×
    Export ASCII or Excel data to file or clipboard × ×
    Enhanced distortion data export ×
    Dedicated Hot Keys to facilitate measurement inspection × ×
    AutoSave function with automatic file name generation × ×
    Dedicated procedure and controls for executing polar measurements sets × ×
    FFT and RTA Analysis
    Narrow-band FFT analyzer × × ×
    Real-Time fraction-of-octave analyzer (RTA) × × ×
    Programmable event and OneShot trigger × × ×
    Bar Graph with Max Hold display ×
    Save acquired time data to .wav file × × ×
    Export ASCII or Excel data to file or clipboard × ×
    AutoStore to Overlay function (10 curves on screen) × ×
    AutoSave function with automatic file name generation × ×
    Internal Tigger ×
    Signal generator and output controls
    Computer Audio Devices Playback Control ×
    Dedicated panel with on-the-fly controls × × ×
    Plays standard .wav files × × ×
    Highly Optimized waveform calculator × × ×
    Direct 3-digit input of output level × × ×
    Button control for 1dB and 0.1dB steps × × ×
    Continuous Sweep with manual control ×
    Input meter and controls
    Input Record function ×
    Free running Voltmeter and Sound Level Meter × × ×
    Integration time: Slow, Fast, Impulse × × ×
    A-Weighting filter × × ×
    C-Weighting filter × ×
    THD reading: % and dB × ×
    THD+N reading: % and dB ×
    Frequency reading with 0.1 Hz resolution × ×
    Current reading: A, dBAmpere ×
    Interactive LCR meter × × ×
    L,C,R % readings for easy components selection × ×
    User Interface
    Graphics title display ×
    Recently Opened files history ×
    Decay analysis with 3-D gesture-controlled graph × × ×
    Color map 3D and 2D display × ×
    Selectable color map shading × ×
    Powerful 3D marker inspection × ×
    Classical Cumulative Spectral Decay × × ×
    Wavelet Cycle Decat for detailed decay analysis × ×
    Polar plots
    Circular Polar Plots × ×
    Half Polar Display × ×
    Thiele and Small parameters
    Free Air Parameters × × ×
    Added Mass or Known Volume methods for full parameters × × ×
    Direct measurement of ReDC × × ×
    External Hardware Control
    Support for Open Source Audiomatica Turntable × ×

    CLIO Pocket system is supplied complete with accessories to start to get electro-acustics measurements on the go or in the laboratory, inside the box you find:

    • The CP-01 audio interface
    • The CLIO Pocket SD card with software and drivers
    • The microphone MIC-02
    • One USB 2.0 cable
    • One RCA to RCA 2.7m long microphone cable
    • One RCA to alligators impedance cable